“Begun by Spirit, Perfected By Flesh: No Way!”



Teachers from Jerusalem went to the church in Antioch and taught that Gentiles had to obey the Laws of Moses
in order to be totally forgiven from their sins. After the Christians in Antioch rejected this doctrine, those same
teachers went to Galatia – to the churches Paul and Barnabas had started during their first missionary journey.

Paul found out that the Christians in Galatia were accepting this teaching, so he wrote a letter to them explaining
their freedom in Christ. He said:

I’m shocked that you turned away from the grace
of God. These false teachers told you that you
have to keep Jewish Law in order to be completely
saved – and you believed them! How can you be
so foolish as to accept this “other gospel?”
I gave you the pure gospel of Christ. So even
if an angel from heaven comes and tells you
something different – that angel is cursed! Yes,
you heard me right. Let me be perfectly clear.
Anyone who preaches this heresy is cursed.

Believe me, I understand what they’re
teaching. I loved Jewish tradition – so much that
I tried to destroy the churches of God. But Christ
saved me and called me to preach the gospel to
Gentiles. He personally instructed me for three
years in Arabia.

Now listen. Those same false teachers came
to Antioch and tried to enslave our believers. I
didn’t tolerate it for one moment – absolutely
not! The church finally sent Barnabas and me to
Jerusalem to bring this issue before the apostles.

They saw that God called me to the Gentiles in
the same way Peter was called to the Jews.
But later, I had to confront Peter on this
very issue. He came to Antioch and ate freely
with Gentiles. But then some Jews came from
Jerusalem. He immediately separated himself
from his Gentile brothers. Other Jews joined
him in this. Even Barnabas was pulled into this
hypocrisy. I told Peter in front of everyone that
this wasn’t right!

Here’s the principle he was ignoring: In Christ,
there are no Jews or Gentiles. There are no slaves
or free, male or female. We all died with Christ
when he was crucified. We rose from the dead
with him, so now Christ lives in us. Salvation
comes by the death of Christ, and it has nothing
to do with keeping the Law.
Do you understand this? How are you so
easily deceived? Did you receive the Spirit of

God because you obeyed the Law? Did God
work miracles among you because you were so
good? Absolutely not! It was because of your
faith in Christ. Don’t be so silly as to think that by
keeping the Law you can add one little thing to
what God has done!

God didn’t even give Abraham righteousness
because he kept the Law. No. He was born
430 years before it was written. He was righteous
because of his faith in God. The Law was given
later to show that people are sinners, and they are
condemned. It reveals our need to accept Christ.

God said to Abraham, “All the nations will be
blessed through you.” Think of it. The promises
given to Abraham are now given to you because
of Christ. Are you going to turn your back on that?
These false teachers want to take away
these blessings, and they want to take away the
freedom you enjoy in Christ. Don’t let them do it!

This freedom gives you the ability to serve others.
Instead of worrying about the Law, focus on
being led by the Spirit of God. He’ll keep you
from things like immorality, going after false
gods, being consumed with yourself, taking
advantage of others, and losing control of your
good senses.

The Spirit of God gives you the gift of love,
joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith,
gentleness, and self-control. The Law can’t do
that. The Spirit of God controls your thoughts and
desires. He gives you the power

• to gently restore those who have done wrong
• to help others when they need you
• to accomplish great things for God
• to give to those who invest their lives in you.

Don’t submit to the Law. Instead, allow the
Spirit of God to control your life. Listen, you can’t
fool God. You’ll reap the results of what you do.
Destruction awaits those who are controlled by
fleshly desires. Life is given to those who let the
Spirit of God use them to help others.
God knows my heart, and he knows I’m not
writing to you so I can brag to others. That is
what those false teachers are doing. No, I don’t
brag about anything except the cross of Jesus
Christ. I was crucified with him, so this world is
dead to me. I carry the marks of this death in
my body.
Pay attention to what I say, and the grace of
Jesus Christ be with you.

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