“To Be Genuinely Free – There’s Only One Way!”

Jesus’ Promise in John 8:31-38

So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 33 They answered him, “We are offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone. How is it that you say, ‘You will become free’?”

34 Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave[a] to sin. 35 The slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. 37 I know that you are offspring of Abraham; yet you seek to kill me because my word finds no place in you. 38 I speak of what I have seen with my Father, and you do what you have heard from your father.”

Auto Transcription:

Great song. Wow, what an encouragement good part of being here is the opportunity to sing live, isn’t it? What a joy? That is a great joy. I love that song. I’ll stand Wow, you can really invest your heart in that hope you did. You know, that’s what happened to john, in the book of Revelation. He was in the spirit on the Lord’s day. And God did move in his life. David, the king calls himself to worship the Lord. You know, sometimes we ought to just focus on this aspect of worship and worshiping corporately worshiping individually worshiping, as a part of the body. Good thing, let’s pray, Father in heaven, we come before you, grateful for your grace for giving us a spirit that will still be manifest when we gather around the throne. When the living creatures that surround your throne and the 24 elders fall down, and express in a spontaneous outbreak from their heart. You’re worth, Lord them right here. We’re just practicing. Right here. We’re just going through emotions in a world that’s much alien from the life of God through the ignorance that is, in many folks who don’t know you. We pray today, you will help push back the darkness. push back the darkness in our corner of a world as we hear Jesus voice and carry that voice with us to those corners of this world that we go to pray that you’ll open our eyes to see wondrous things from your instruction. in Christ’s name. Amen. November has definitely arrived, hasn’t it? Although, according to what I see on the weather that’s upcoming, it looks like we’re supposed to get some seven degree weather this week. So we’ll see how this goes. That’s one thing about October for sure. It is up and down weather. Let’s see. 70 degrees next Saturday. 69 Friday, 66 Thursday, so that’ll be like,


going south for the winter. Alrighty,

fired me.

There you go. There you go.

A few other things need to be accomplished yet?

Either that or you’ll do it with gloves on right.

Well, we have

a few things that we need to do in regards to our Connect. This afternoon at two o’clock. There is a opportunity to gather at the graveside for Joanne Dr. Stewart will be presenting there at that time reviewing her life, family had a close connection to him. Sharon had or excuse me, Karen. I do know her Sharon. And that’s not who I was talking about. Karen had a great ministry. This Week in her life into the family life. We’re just going to pause again and pray relative to Dr. Stewart having words to convey to family members about a life well spent. So let’s do that.

How are


precious in the sight of you

are the depths of your saints.

And Joanna was saying it’s not because of any work on her part because of the work of Jesus Christ. But a transforming work was accomplished in her

and she has served

served our family served this church fellowship served many


I got notes. This week one in particular talking about how Joanne had reached out to a visitor here with letters and Communications Act of service. Father you tell us that Blessed are those who die in the world. word for the works follow after. So she has arrived there, Lord.

Lots of works to

pray for this afternoon the opportunity to minister to family members. hearts will be soften to the reality of Jesus Christ as demonstrated living on this earth. We thank you for that. Father we pray also for later on in this week is we have an opportunity to commemorate Calvin’s life that you’ve granted to him here. And Father, we all know the character Calvin was, we pray that the testimony of Jesus his redemption will resound. And God’s folk said, Amen, amen.

So not only

is this the

start of November,

not only is it time change, I heard that some had forgotten about time change. So not only is it time change, the Election Day is nearly upon us too. So this Tuesday night,

the network’s we’ll be covering

the unfolding results and making predictions. What state is coming in for which candidate, and they’ll attempt to be making the calls, you know how it goes, Well, it’s too soon to call, but nevertheless, the electorial votes, and they’ll especially be trying to do that, for the entire nation.

With the election,

the outcome will affect this country for the next four years. Definitely, in regards to the direction and the practices, and in all probability for a goodly while after that, with the issues on the table, depending on the actions, of course, that will be taken, especially during covid 19 pandemic time that we’re in. You know, I’ve heard repeatedly, from different folks, different folks from different kinds of backgrounds, different sources, concerns about the loss of freedom that has arisen during COVID time and the fears that these loss of freedoms will be staying around. And how will the election impact that whole COVID situation and the loss of freedoms?

Well, it seems

like an excellent time for us

to then come to what Jesus talks to us about in john, chapter eight. I’m going to ask you to turn there with me.

JOHN, chapter eight.

God’s good timing brings us to the promise of freedom that Jesus delivers. This morning. In this country, freedom is a prized, cherished, loved thing. It’s our poetry. It’s our song. It’s our right. It’s our hand on heart allegiance. Here. Let me demonstrate this to you. I’m going to quote a couple of items. And tell me where these come from.

Here’s the first illustration.

Send me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe


Statue of Liberty, the poem that’s attached to the Statue of Liberty.

Send me your wretched refuse

of your teeming shore. I lift my lamp beside the golden door, breathe free.

That’s good. Here’s another


One nation, under God, indivisible, with where’s that from? Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. There’s the picture of the flag flying just over my back fence this morning, that last wind was surely making the flag look glorious. I pledged allegiance. Liberty, that’s freedom and justice for all.

Here’s another

for the land of the free and the


Where’s that from? Star Spangled, which is our that is our song that is our national


One more.

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal. And they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. Among these rights are life. Here it is, liberty, and the pursuit

of happiness that comes

from the Declaration of Independence, our call to be free. You see, this is our poem. This is our song. This is our allegiance. This is America.


We prize it.

We sing about it, we celebrate it.

The election,

our freedom, our future, and our prized possession. You know, believers especially need to hear Jesus’ promise


as we are on the eve of the eve of Election Day.


I’ve heard this concern about freedom expressed from those who are

not really

anything to do with Jesus. Absolutely. They need to hear Jesus promise here.

JOHN, chapter eight, we’re going to look in

at verse 31, where Jesus communicates these things. So Jesus said to the Jews, his own countrymen, who had believed him, if you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth

will set you free.

They answered him, we’re offspring of Abraham. That is our heritage. We’ve never been slave to anyone, not politically, not socially, not. How is it that you say, you will become free? Jesus answered them, truly, truly I say to you, everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin. The slave does not remain in the house forever, the sun remains forever. So if the sun set you free, you shall be free. Indeed,

this morning, we’re going to talk about

to be genuinely free. To be genuinely free. There is only

one way.

And I want you to know, it’s not political.

It’s not social.

It’s not religious.

It’s this way

that Jesus describes to us. We’re going to be taking a look at this on Election Day, and we’re going to talk about the beginning of freedom in your life. This is how and this is where it begins. As per Jesus, this is how this is where and then we’re going to add to that The continuation of freedom in your life because Jesus addresses both here. And it’s very interesting how these two come together very quickly in what he has to say how they are so connected in his mind, now wants you to know, when I was putting this together, I initially came up with the initiation of freedom in your life. And that looks so nice and fits so well, in my outline with the continuation of freedom both way you know that just but then it just struck me that, that, that that isn’t the the connotation of the punch

that’s brought out here.

It doesn’t capture where Jesus goes with this thing in the midst of an on flowing circumstances. This isn’t theoretical set back from a situation isolated from life happening. Jesus was in this and it was happening. And he talks about both in life happening because they were specially important to the believer, and absolutely needed for someone who you know, really just doesn’t


Both are connected in his mind.

Let’s talk here about

the beginning of freedom in your life.

You know,

this event


when Jesus was talking to people about dying in their sin. That is a very horrible, horrible condition. The pictures that Jesus delivered of this when he was here with children

around him,

were pictures of the fire never quenching of the worm, never ceasing. The apostle Paul when he was conveying it to brand new believers in the book of Thessalonians said this, dying in a state of sin. Second, Thessalonians chapter one, verses eight and nine, is being separated in everlasting destruction, away from the presence of the Lord

and the glory

of His power.

Jesus picture

with children on his knee

of a fire never quenching

Paul’s description of everlasting destruction. The Apostle john when in the last book of the Bible, he unveils this great white throne judgment where an absolute in dark holiness

got in his way.

He evaluates every action, every word that a person does, and he renders judgment on it with sentence how it lined up with him.

Revelation chapter 20.

That’s what it is.

To die in sin.

It’s on you.

Every action Jesus even pointed out every idle word

will come up the forum.

in a state of sin.

That’s what Jesus was referring to.

And you will die in your sin

unless you believe that I am.

You will die in your sin.

While he’s doing this, some of the folks believed on him and I want you to see this chapter eight, verse 30. And as he was saying these things, many believed

in him,

kind of wanted Time, they heard his explanation that he was delivering words from the Father. And they’re starting to adopt this. Now remember what crowd he’s talking to. He is talking to the john seven, one crowd, a group of Jews led by leaders who are in opposition to Jesus seeking to kill him. And as he’s doing this, some of the folks come to believe on him. They come to trust, what he’s saying, and that he is the I am the Lord, our Savior. That Matter of fact, they did get the picture, if you want to slide down to the very last verse of this chapter, verse 59. Well fly to verse 58, to get the context, Jesus said to them, truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was I am referring clearly to his expression of being the I

Am, so they picked up stones to throw hat

and the Jesus left.

It starts

with believing in him. Because in verse 31, Jesus said to those Jews, who believed in

this group that had individually

come to the conclusion Now there were many

that they trusted him.

And he begins to talk to them,


a continuation with him, about a going forward with him. But as he does this, some interesting things begin to happen. It begins to become clear


us, that you in this group of Jews, there are those who

haven’t really trusted him.

According to what he is, they’ve

trusted, putting Jesus in a place of delivering what they

want. And

you know what the picture of the Messiah was to the Jews at this point in time.

Conquering King,

someone who is going to flex the

muscle of Israel and make

them something in this world.

And they’re going after Jesus was for that, as a matter of fact, there were times when they were coming in to make him king and Jesus withdraws.

His disciples

right after his death and resurrection at the time of his ascension, just before he goes up, they asked him, if now when you’re going to set up your kingdom is this when it starts, that’s what they were looking for. And their attachment to Jesus was for what this was going to accomplish for us, politically, socially, religiously.

That’s what he’s talking about.

And he sees that their trust isn’t

in him relative to their dying in their sin.

It’s about what they

want. I want you to know people do that today. They take Jesus and use him for what they want.

Even in quote, unquote,

the established


It’s for what they want. Right? They have a position of power. We’d like to sway things we’d like to have

the vote.

go our


Jesus says some very important things here when he discerns that he is going to say it has nothing started yet what freedom? freedom in your life has not started yet.

When practicing sin,

he’s talking to them about freedom. He just said it, verse 33. And they said, they answered him, we’re Abraham’s offspring. That is our, that is our national heritage. That is who we are as a people, as a as a race as a nation.

And the has

faith in religion.

And we’ve never been enslaved to anyone, how is it that you say, you will become free? Jesus begins to talk to them using his underscoring highlighting emphasis


When he says this, it was something to grasp.

Truly, truly, he says, I say to you, everyone who practices sin, is a slave of sin.

It has not started yet.

When there’s an ongoing practice of sin

in life,

this is a light on the dashboard.

Have you noticed how the new cars, the lights on the dashboard come up frequently. I’ve got some that are on my dashboard right now, it happened when I switched rims that are on my car. And all of a sudden, this light on my dashboard comes up concerning my tires, that there is a problem with them. And there is the light on the dashboard that comes up with the engine, whenever it gets to that point in time, according to the computer chips there, that you need to go into your dealer and have them service this not that there’s a problem, but there’s light. So it’s the light on the dashboard here. But especially with the new cars, it’s when that light starts to blink that you’ve got this is a light that’s blinking. This is a warning white on the dashboard that’s blinking. And the warning light is telling you to pull over and to evaluate this because big damage is pending. My daughter had died

recently in the car that she

bought and drives to the university every day. And she was there at the university turn the engine on was ready to go. And the engine light came on. And it started blinking.

And so she shut it off wisely.

And she called home and talked about what the problem was. I turn

the car on

this motor


And so I made a trip to the university to

take a look at the car.

The light is blinking.

Pull over, don’t proceed.

The practice

of sin if you want to see the apostle john,

I really encourage you to go here. At some point. I’m not going to do it this morning. Because the apostle john who’s quoted this is coming right from the mouth of Jesus in an ongoing situation that’s unfolding in front of Jesus. He explains that he explains that Beloved, now we are the children of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and it doesn’t yet appear what we’re going to be. But we know that when Jesus appears that his return will be made like him because we’ll see him as he is. And everyone who has that hope, begins to to follow the Lord and begins to experience change in this practice of sin. He actually starts to purify his wife, it begins to go in God’s direction. And then john goes right on from that and says everyone who practices sin is not born of God, everyone who continues in their sin. They haven’t really seen Jesus for who he is. And they haven’t trusted Jesus for who he is. They are children of the devil, even though they may claim this. It’s not the case because someone who was born of God becomes concerned about what is right before God. And even though they feel frequently. This is the direction they continually come to. That’s what Shawn says. verbatim. He says that, that is what Jesus is referring to. He practices sin. He said, He who practices sin

is a slave.

I’ve said

it has a

an amazing


sin does

have gripping us.

Jesus when he was here

talked about

Satan having nothing in him,

Satan head and established a beachhead, it hadn’t got a hook in him.

That’s not true of anybody else.

And this sin

has an amazing way

of getting bigger.

Oh, I’m just gonna do this and I’ll keep it in its place and I’ll be able to handle it.

But it doesn’t happen that way.

It grows. Picture this given in the Bible is a yeast and a little yeast eventually goes throughout the whole, the whole

lump of dough, a little leaven. You know

how that goes, right?

little leaven leavens the whole lump. It levelness the whole thing. Because sin grows, and suddenly, the sin makes you servant of them. Rather this dishoom serving what you want, you become the slave

of sin.

JOHN, Paul, excuse me, the apostle Paul here, said this when he was explaining it, he said, when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regards to righteousness. Because the Bible pictures us as sinning and getting enslaved to it. And suddenly

there is no


to pull off what God is right? Whoops. what God says is right, here we go.

But now he

says a little bit later, john, or Paul rather. But now that you have been set free from sin, and have become slaves, voluntary slaves to God, the fruits you get leads to a life that goes God’s way, sanctification, a life that goes God’s way of life that goes God’s way. And the end of it is eternal life. This is how this works. This is how this works. We are saved not of ourselves. We become saints, not by anything we do, at all, it seems, isn’t something we earn. It’s something we’re given through faith in Jesus Christ. But once we burn that we become free from our enslavement to sin and sin after sin after sin begins to fall off. Oh, some of them are hang with me begin to fall off and we progressively go God’s way more and more and more eternal life is a free gift through faith in Jesus Christ, his death for our sin, his burial, His resurrection, we trust that a free gift would he have that eternal, eternal life. And this is what happens in a true believers life. If this doesn’t happen,


the true believer is there. And that’s what Jesus is stealing


And Johnny, that’s what he’s dealing with her. When he says to those who believe in it hasn’t happened yet, when you’re practicing sin and versus explained other places. In the Bible, it’s explained it’s made clear. This is the perfect balance. Sometimes churches get off on grace and any sin is okay. No, we get off on grace. Yes, indeed. But it’s a grace that teaches us to say no to ungodliness

and to live

godly in the present age. Titus chapter two. That’s, that’s the balance of biblical Christianity. That’s it. For a true disciple.

Don’t lose that.

That is so true. And then Jesus goes on it needs to start. It needs to start in

every person’s life

by experiencing the sun, whether they’re claiming to be a believer, or they’re not claiming to be a believer, it needs to start this freedom by experiencing the sun. Notice how Jesus says this immediately in verse 44, after telling them everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin, the threat he gives here, verse 35, and illustration, he gives an illustration, it’s an illustration they understood, I mean, it’s something that they had kind of PR. This was a time when there were slaves, the Jews had slaves, the Romans had slaves, people had slaves.

Slavery was a little different.

Under the American experience,

the American experience was pretty rough slavery, others had rough slavery experiences, but the American experience was pretty rough. One here, Jesus said, the slave does not remain in the house forever.

Whether Roman

is the dominating political power at that point in time of which the Jews were in political subjection, and they had some religious freedoms granted to them. But socially they were in subjection. And politically, they were in subjection to the Roman rule. But they had slavery, both the Jews and the Romans, Romans were a lot rougher than the Jews in their slavery.

But both of them knew

that in a household is

the son

of the household,

the Son of the Father of this household,

was a part of the family forever.

To the Jews, a lot of times their

slaves would have such a loyalty that they would be committed, and they would treat them like family. But still, for a Jew. The slave could be granted freedom sometimes purchase their freedom. As a matter of fact, according to the law, every year of jubilee, they were to give them their freedom. Again, the slave doesn’t belong to the family forever. The sun belonged to the family further, as a matter of fact, even when the son died, he was still a part of the family. He’s a part of the family forever. Jesus uses that illustration. And he makes the point here, he applies it, verse 36, he says, so. So based on that, if the sun sets you free, you shall be truly free. It’s the experience of Jesus as is the sun, the sun bear, the one who changes your life from the inside out. That’s how the supplies, the sun, sets you free. That’s where this begins. And this is a genuine experience. This is this is a reality. This isn’t something that’s talked about

as it wouldn’t that be nice. It happens.

It happens to people in here.

They can acknowledge it happened to me. I can recall those. I can recall growing up in it in a religious circle where I heard about Jesus dying all of my life. He died and was buried and rose again died and buried and rose again. We went through all kinds of rituals, we went through holidays, we because Jesus died and buried and rose again. But it wasn’t until

I became


of the utter reality of God

and that I wasn’t right with Him.

that someone was talking

to me going through a little booklet and pointed out sin active rebellion to a God’s in his way or passive indifference. That’s where I was. I was kind of like

I was like those folks,

not necessarily, you know, believe in Jesus.

What does matter is

passive indifference.

That’s the evidence of what the Bible calls sin. That’s what pictures it here that said, this act of rebellion, this passive indifference is at it. It’s what the Bible calls sin. And Jesus died for your sins. The wages of sin is death, Christ died for us, he died in our place, and the experience of God as you recognize it as being true, and I’m assuming this is on me. And you trust Christ, the Son, the son, who when he takes control of the House has the ability to set the slave free, set you free at what Jesus point was, the sun set

you free,

inexperience to no longer live for yourself, but people are actively concerned about God and His ways.

You’re born

of God. That’s the beginning. That’s the beginning that Jesus drives after with these folks, when he discerned

what they’re saying

doesn’t indicate that they’ve really trusted me.

I want you to know that to this day,

whether it’s Jew or Gentile,

this holds true. Here, let me show you something. I’m going to take you back to this. As a matter of fact, Turn in your Bible to Romans chapter six. In this passage in Romans chapter six, where the Apostle Paul is explaining this, he says, when you were slaves of sin, you were slaves of sin, I was a slave of sin. We walked according to the course of this world, this world is on a course

of being bent away from God and sin.

You were free. In regards to your concern to practice righteousness, it made no difference to that’s what the Apostle Paul says, Now, I want you to follow this Romans chapter six. He says, the idea of God’s word, Shall we continue to sin? Because we’re

under grace, and not under law?

Shall we continue to sin? Because most theme is charged to me, I’ll never have to be responsible for it are the absolutely totally and completely Scot, free of any charge of sin ever been brought to me in Jesus Christ? Shall I continue to sin? And what does the Bible say? Absolutely not. He says, because how can we who died to sin still live in it? We can’t. It has an impact when we see it. It affects us when we see it in others. We’re concerned when we see it in ourselves. I remember listening to john Piper recently, as a matter of fact, that was the start of 2019. And he said, my biggest grievance

is my offset.

Because john says,

there’s a struggle, or Paul says chapter seven, there’s a struggle that goes on. It’s still a struggle that we


But we’ve been set free in regards to sin. And now we have a voluntary servitude to what’s right

before God.

And that’s where our heart is, you know what he says here, the things that I want to do, I don’t do those things. I don’t want to do those things I keep on doing a wretched man who shall deliver me from this bondage to sin, saying, speeded God through our Lord Jesus Christ because there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Now get this romans eight, because the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. That’s the freedom issue. It is experienced in the sun. We are set free

Martin Luther King has nothing on us. I am. In Christ, I am free. There is no charge of sin that can ever be made to me that can stick. And it’s true for you in Jesus Christ, it is true for you. And when we grasp that freedom begins, freedom begins. Now Jesus tells us this right away. He says to those who believed on him, I hope I have stirred you

concerning believing on him,

especially for believers. It’s a hallelujah time. For those who are not, Oh, absolutely need this.


Because I tell you with other sincerity,

otherwise, you will

die in your sin. And it will be horrible. Even after being believer, I’d hate to give an account for every idle word and be held accountable for it.

Let alone when your sin is charged.

So Jesus talking to those who are believers, tells us how and where we continue in freedom. This comes look at what he says. JOHN, chapter eight,



Jesus said to those little Jews, his countrymen, who believed God him, if you continue, if you hang in there, in my word,

you’ll truly be

my disciples, I want you to know that this is a conditional statement. There is an

if condition, here

it is, it’s a big condition. As a matter of fact, not only is the if put there, there’s also in, you know, the Greek language with an excellent time that God gave us the New Testament. Because the Greek language is so much more descriptive. It’s even more descriptive than the English language. The Greek verbs have mood, we kind of put in mood by an exclamation point, like up there, oh, this person excited exclamation point. Sometimes we exclamation point things to death,



we have mood that’s communicated with our punctuation. They have mood in their verbs. It’s right in this statement of action.

And the statement is,

if you continue, that means you hang in there with. And even when you don’t feel like it, you’re up on it. And you settle down and bring the word into your thinking in your life. How does the word talk to me about this that I’m facing here? What about this emotion that’s going on? What about this action that I could do and should do with that person with, with this political climate, with this social unrest? With this, we continue in the word. That’s where the believer goes, we can end the statement. The mood here is called a subjunctive mood, because it’s not sure whether you’re going to go or not. That’s why Jesus presented it this way. He said, he said to us, if

you continue in my word,

if it comes in and structu, concerning the political climate, and the social unrest, and the events that cause emotion in your life, and your interaction with people.

You continue in my

word, if you do, he says, You’re truly my disciple. You’re the one who’s leaning after me. You’re picking up you’re going with me. If not, you If it’s not, if it’s not, well, then you’re not. You’re not learning after me. And then it’s pretty cut and dried. And then I mean, it’s kind of right out there. It’s just bottle. Yeah, that’s what it is.

This continues freedom.

by us.

Being in the word, you know, I want you to I want you to know that during

during COVID time

there’s been a concern pastor

in town, good pastor,

expressing to me.


churches all over the Bible, churches


Bible churches, Bible teaching churches, Bible inclined churches, Bible teaching in the sense they talk about salvation, not all churches do that through faith in Christ. they’ve experienced a reduction of 50%. This pastor said, his view God is sifting the church. From what I hear, due to our streaming, we may even have a broader exposure, I’m glad for that. No way to tell one thing is for sure.

during COVID time,

we need to be concerned about continuing

in the word

countability is kind of dropped off.

may not be taking it in like I used to countability at the fellowship and Cz pastors concern was it’s


to slide off.




I agree.

It’s concerned concern.

There are opportunities,

opportunities, social distancing, opportunities to sink, you know, one of the biggest things that made the word talks to us about our need to be assembled with each other, don’t forsake that. Don’t turn away from that. We need it. We need it. Yet, there are opportunities for men this opportunity we’ve been

present growing, present

opportunity for, for the men just to get together and pray and pray. And it’s been such a blessing to have the need to see God answers on specific needs, even while we were praying, God was answering and some of the reports we got that he was doing. And we come together we have we have some due to their situation COVID we connect them by phone. You know, I think we could get something set up to connect with that. To be in on that. It’s a concern that we continue in the world and and, and be truly his disciples. And then he says, this becomes evident. Notice with me verse 32, he says this will become evident. If you are biding my word, you’re truly my disciples, verse 32, and you will know the truth. And the truth will set you free. This becomes evident in your experience, that there there’s truth operating in this person’s like going on in the world. And the truth is impacting them. I’ve seen it happen where people tell the truth, and it’s going to turn COVID time is going some other way. And

the hero

and they turn to

the experience of it is evident.

You know, when people take math,

have you ever seen the pictures like one or two years into taking math if it goes that long you’ve ever seen what happens?

I mean, their countenance

goes from a youthful to and teeth that are And it also, it’s evident winner. I just had a believer in a fellowship interacting with me talking to me about that they’ve taken up a fitness program. And it’s evident I mean, the fitness is come it’s additive. So to this truth standing in the truth becomes habit and it’s seeing, it’s seen. It’s seen on earth And believe me, it’s seen by God. And the impact of this is that you’ll know the truth

and you’ll be set free.

There’ll be freedom from besetting sins.

Anybody here have a besetting sin?


every hand, every hand needs to go up. We’ve got a besetting sin, things we’ve gotten accustomed to, but setting since

and progressively

we become free, we become free.

From fears, we become free from what holds us into bondage.

We become free politically,

in our climate,

socially, we become free, because God’s direction here, rings for us. You know, I want you to know that a lot of believers

carry fear.

They carry fear about this country being lost

to the christian nation,

to Christianity,

the country being lost. I mean, look what happened with same sex marriage. We have other programs that are being pushed that

bring a genocide to a race.

Christian America is being lost. Can I tell you, the only Christian that is in America are the people. That’s the only Christian.

That’s the only Christian

that’s in this nation.

That’s the only one

and the world

dealing with this political maneuvering to have their position be in power.

Some even claiming Jesus to do that

are fighting and portaling and bickering. And there’s social media is attacking and they’re cutting and they’re cool, and they’re hard. And the others are absolute idiots, because they don’t see how this will go.

And we have

we have a


that says to us, the anger of man

does not accomplish

the right that God’s desires, the righteousness of God. So what do we do?

So it dwells up in us?

But we listen to the word.

And we continue

there in the word. What a believer does, we do? What we do, I’ve got views. I got views. I want my candidate to win, because of my views. But

Election Day results will come in.

And what will these results be?

What will they be? Will they be in line with your views? Will they not be in line with your view? And what will you do? Will you react with fear will you react with Will you react? What will you do? Can I tell you what the truth is on this matter what the results will be what the truth is, when the anchor men are they’re giving their predictions as to what color this state is going and now the 270 electoral votes, how they are set up. Can I tell you where that election will end? It will end right here that we are moved along in the setting up for the return of Christ who is elected that will be the results of the selection and I gave mean, because they’re going to be so godly, they’re going to bring in the kingdom. I don’t mean that at all.

What I do mean

is all of the conditions will be moved towards that are the time for Christ’s return. Folks, as believers, we know the story. We know how this thing

ends. We know how the

story plays out. And every movement is in that direction. It’s the words. It’s the Word of God that we continue in and we’re free.


Transcribed by https://otter.ai


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